Entries by admin

Condo Requirements For FHA Loan Approval

Plenty of homebuyer hopefuls turn to condos as a way to get into the real estate market, and for good reason. Condos are usually more affordable than single-family homes, offer plenty of amenities, and come with far less maintenance than

6 Tips to Choosing the Best Mortgage Lender

The purchase price of the home you agree to buy will obviously have a direct impact on your mortgage payment.  But the actual mortgage product itself will heavily influence these payments as well.

Different terms, interest rates, fees, and insurance

8 Tips for Finding the Right Real Estate Agent

There are plenty of real estate agents out there, which can make choosing just one seem like a daunting task. Considering how important buying or selling a huge investment like real estate is, it’s essential that you choose an agent

8 Tips to Baby-Proofing Your Home

Babies are innocent, but they still manage to get themselves into trouble when they become mobile. Once they start crawling and (gasp) walking, they can easily get into some mischief that can lead to injury. That’s why it’s so important

7 Advantages of Living in a 55+ Community

When you reach a certain age, your needs and tastes may be different than what they may have been in your younger years, and that includes your housing arrangement.

Maybe your current home is getting to be too much for